Fashion is the language through which we tell the world who we are and where we are going.

Hi, Welcome! I’m Dr. Nina.

I am a proud fashion business educator and am happiest when working with fashion’s next generation of leaders through my teaching and mentorship. Having previously worn the hats of a fashion journalist, marketing consultant, entrepreneur, doctoral student and researcher, today, I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and lead the prestigious MA Strategic Fashion Marketing course at London College of Fashion where I teach and write about fashion marketing strategy. I regularly share my insights beyond the classroom and have been featured on BBC World News, Elle, The Guardian, and Vogue.

Beyond the Classroom

Fashion Footnotes

Your weekly newsletter decoding fashion style, business, and strategy through an academic (and unfiltered) lens.

Nina’s Resources

A next-gen fashion marketing strategy toolkit, including reading lists, tried and tested frameworks, and expert-approved lifehacks whether you’re a student or in the c-suite.

Coming Soon.

Free Webinars

Interested in learning about fashion business higher education? What are the upcoming fashion marketing trends (and why they matter)? How to develop a fashion marketing strategy?

Coming soon.